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Emotions are an internal compass.

I learned this over a decade studying developmental psychology.





I use Tarot, Reiki, my crystal ball, art,

poetry, and felt experience to decipher

the message of emotions. 





Thirty-five years ago I picked up my first tarot deck as a young artist, looking to connect to my vision.


By the time I graduated, I had read for every student and faculty member on campus and knew that communing with my cards allowed me to create my life as art.

Why Work With Me?

Because you want to connect to your wisdom. 


I don't give advice.


Instead I dialog with your confusion to access your wisdom. 


I hold the places that are stuck until they are fluid again.   


Together we listen to the full message of your heart. 


Your Insights.  Your wisdom.  Your change


Words Of My Clients


"I didn't know what to expect.  I wasn’t sure what to ask. I had so many questions.  Amy helped me pick one question that answered all my questions.    I'll definitely be back." 






"I got the circle of friends birthday reading as a gift.  It was really special to get tarot messages from all my friends too.  She put it all together.  It was so personal for me.  Nice to get so much attention from everyone on my Birthday and the overall message is right on."     




"Thank you for helping me make a really hard decision.  It’s still hard, but you showed me that I am doing the best thing for me."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cam




"The first thing she said to me was exactly what I have been complaining about for months.  Then she showed me skills I already have to do my relationships the way I want.  I don't even think it will be hard.  I know what I want and how to get it."  






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